The 4th most abundant cation in the body.

Magnesium use can be tricky. We absolutely require adequate magnesium for basic functioning.
Magnesium is very important to your body’s ability to function: sleep, alertness, heart health, muscle relaxation. If you do not eat a lot of veggies and other fiber, you probably do not have sufficient magnesium. Most of us are deplete when it comes to Magnesium intake.
Here is the tricky problem: There are many kinds of Magnesium supplements to choose from. You may think you are taking the kind that helps you sleep and find out you have the one that works as a laxative. Case in point: I have always recommended Magnesium glycinate. Magnesium glycinate relaxes your muscles and your mind. Good! However, it is often sold with a combination of Magnesium Oxide, which makes you poop. This can be true even if the label on the front of the bottle says GLYCINATE. It gets sold this way for profitability. Also Magnesium citrate can cause similar issues. Multivitamins may also have the inexpensive laxative magnesium so read your labels.
For a peaceful less stressful and restful New Year, read the label on your magnesium bottle (back of bottle label). A manufacturer will often have an assortment of magnesiums in similar bottles. Rule of thumb: The less expensive bottles will be the laxatives. If that is what you are after, the bargain is all yours. Our bodies are different and this may be very helpful for yours.
There are about 10 types sold!