Tests for Part One
Part One tests consist of information from your most recent physical exam within the last six months. You can share these electronically via email or through snail mail. This will work to our advantage because the information is immediately available and you will not be asked for additional basic routine tests.
If these basic tests are not available or if they are too old, we will select a local lab and direct you there with instructions for testing and sharing your results. You will be able to order the test and apply your insurance (if applicable).
Test results are private and shared only with those whom you select to share. They will not become part of your permanent medical record.
Tests for Part One:
These are the tests that are normally done with an annual physical and you may have recent results. If you do not already have this information available to share, I will direct you to an inexpensive source to obtain it. This data is the starting point for the Part One Package.
- Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP)
- Liver Function Panel
- eGFR (Kidney)
- BUN (Kidney)
- Uric Acid
- Iron level
- Globulin
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Urinalysis
Tests for Part Two
Part Two : Additional Metabolic and Nutritional testing is sent to a research based clinical lab. The samples for most of these research tests are collected by you in the privacy of your home. You will return the test results to the lab. Each client is unique and so the tests that will be used will be specific for the client in question. If you have heard of a test that you think will be helpful please share. We will discuss together and decide if it will be helpful. I am interested in understanding your thoughts on your situation. I recognize that each person is more familiar with their own body than anyone else. Our collective knowledge has synergy.
For clarity, Metabolic testing does not involve the treadmill or stress testing. It is about your biochemistry which has a lot to do with your genetics and lifestyle.
Tests for Part Two:
These tests are normally not performed at your annual physical and they may not all be necessary. Some of these are covered by your insurance (see below). Some are not. Fare for Friends will always look for the best pricing for you.
Some possibilities, depending on your situation, include:
- Organic Acids Test (OAT)
- TOX Profile
- DNA Methylation Pathway
- IgG Food MAP with Candida and Yeast